20 April 2024 | 07:25 pm GMT +7
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    Why invest in ASEAN?

    • Preferred Workforce

      ASEAN workforce is a key factor that entices investors to the region. Human resources range from productive and cost-competitive labor, highly-skilled industry practitioners, and licensed professionals. Labor force participation rate in ASEAN is estimated at 70 percent.

      Highly Literate People

      ASEAN people value education. Adult literacy rate ranges from 73% to 96%. Net enrolment in primary education is at 91%. Every year, the region produces hundreds of thousands university graduates. Technical and vocational certificate holders are also filling industry workforce requirements as ASEAN countries continue to support industrial and public training institutes.

      English-Speaking Employees

      English is commonly used in ASEAN business transactions. According to the 2012 Business English Index, Southeast Asia attained a business English index (BEI) of 5.02, higher than the BEI scores of 12 other regions covered by the study. The Philippines attained a BEI score of 7.11 and emerged on top of the list worldwide.

  • Reasons for Investing in ASEAN

    ASEAN is a choice destination for ASEAN and international investors. Investors enjoy profitable operations and commit to deeper engagement in the region as shown by strong reinvestment and sustained growth in foreign direct investments (FDI).  FDI stock in the region has quadrupled within a little more than a decade.  In 2011, FDI stock exceeded US$1 trillion compared with only US$266 billion in 2000.