26 March 2025 | 03:09 am GMT +7
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    Why invest in ASEAN?

    • Myanmar

      Myanmar is poised to maximize its potentials as it enters a new era of political and economic development. Investors are bullish about Myanmar given the positive changes and rapid developments in the country.

      Myanmar’s advantages include its abundant natural resources and low-cost workforce. It is also strategically located. Myanmar is neighbor to a number of ASEAN countries and a gateway to the huge markets of China and India.

      Investors looking at Myanmar will find tons of opportunities in the country’s agricultural sector. Myanmar’s rich fertile lands, agriculture-skilled population, and low labor cost are keys to advancing industries, and investors are encouraged to be part of upcoming expansions. Infrastructure is another priority area as Myanmar strives to keep pace with developments in other countries and continue its growth momentum.

      In November 2012, Myanmar approved its new Foreign Investment Law with the goal of creating a favorable investment climate for investors. The law, among others, offers investors various benefits and assures the protection of investors’ rights in Myanmar. 

      Capital: Yangon
      Land Area:
      Urban population rate:
      Age clustering:
      Children below 5 yrs old
      Youth 15-29 yrs old
      Elderly over 65 years old
      Active workforce 20-44 yrs old
      Life expectancy:
      Net enrollment in primary education:
      Adult literacy rate:
      656,577 sqkm
      60.4 million
      30.8 percent
      9.5 percent
      27.0 percent
      5.9 percent
      39.0 percent
      66.6 years
      84.6 percent
      92.3 percent
      (as of 2011)
      GDP per capita:
      Total trade:
      Tourist arrival:
      US$ 52.8 million
      US$ 875
      5.1 percent
      US$ 450,000
      US$ 14.9 million
      Myanmar kyats
      (as of 2011)
      International airports:
      Major sea ports:
      Road length:
      Paved network:
      Percentage of paved roads:
      Vehicles per 1000 persons:
      Internet subscriber per 1000 persons:
      Cellphone per 1000 persons:
      3 international airports
      1 major port
      150,800 square kilometers
      33,014 square kilometers
      22 percent
      Other Information
      Myanmar (Burmese)
      Buddhism is the dominant religion.
      Has more than a hundred distinct ethnic group; Major races are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine, and Shan.

      Note: Some figures may vary with figures in the AMS’ website due to different covered periods or record years. Quantitative data were culled from the ASEAN Secretariat Statistics Leaflet Year 2012. 

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