26 March 2025 | 03:29 am GMT +7
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    Why invest in ASEAN?

    • Preferred Workforce

      ASEAN workforce is a key factor that entices investors to the region. Human resources range from productive and cost-competitive labour, highly-skilled industry practitioners, and licensed professionals. Labour force participation rate in ASEAN in 2022 is estimated at 70 percent, with the top five participation rates from highest to lowest being Cambodia at 83.7%, followed by Singapore at 70%, Malaysia at 69.3%, Indonesia at 68.6%, and Vietnam at 68.5%.1

      Highly Literate People

      The ASEAN community values education, aiming to enhance educational development in the ASEAN region. The adult literacy rate in 2022 has seen an increase, ranging from 84.7% to 97.6%, with the highest figures recorded in Singapore and Cambodia having the lowest recorded rates.The net enrolment rate (NER) reached an average of 95%, with the highest rate from Thailand reaching 100%.2

      Every year, the region produces hundreds of thousands university graduates. Technical and vocational certificate holders are also filling industry workforce requirements as ASEAN countries continue to support industrial and public training institutes.

      English-Speaking Employees

      English is commonly used in ASEAN business transactions. According to the 2023 English Proficiency Index (EPI) conducted by the education company Education First (EF), Singapore is the country with the most proficient English-speaking population in Southeast Asia, achieving an EPI score of 631, followed by the Philippines with an EPI score of 578. Singapore achieved the second highest EPI score worldwide.3

  • Reasons for Investing in ASEAN

    ASEAN is a choice destination for ASEAN and international investors. Investors enjoy profitable operations and commit to deeper engagement in the region as shown by strong reinvestment and sustained growth in foreign direct investments (FDI).  FDI stock in the region has quadrupled within a little more than a decade.  In 2011, FDI stock exceeded US$1 trillion compared with only US$266 billion in 2000.