26 March 2025 | 03:35 am GMT +7
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    Why invest in ASEAN?

    • Best Practices in Investments

      ASEAN is committed to having an excellent investment climate for businessmen. Aside from each ASEAN countries’ individual initiatives, the region agreed on an investment framework aimed at enticing investors and helping those who are doing business in the region.

      ASEAN issued the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA) in February 2009, which came into effect in 2012. The 4 Pillars of ACIA's Objectives are to create "a liberal, facilitative, transparent, and competitive investment environment in ASEAN."1

      Aside from ACIA, investors can also benefit from other agreements concluded by ASEAN. These include, among others, the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), and ASEAN Agreement on Movement of Natural Persons (AAMNP). 

  • Reasons for Investing in ASEAN

    ASEAN is a choice destination for ASEAN and international investors. Investors enjoy profitable operations and commit to deeper engagement in the region as shown by strong reinvestment and sustained growth in foreign direct investments (FDI).  FDI stock in the region has quadrupled within a little more than a decade.  In 2011, FDI stock exceeded US$1 trillion compared with only US$266 billion in 2000.