The ASEAN market, consisting of nearly 700 million people,is 8% of the world’s1 total population. Combined income per capita in the region for the past 6...
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Why invest in ASEAN?
Brunei Darussalam
Brunei is a small country with profuse possibilities. It has less than half a million people but ranks as having one of the highest rates of macroeconomic stability in the world.
Brunei offers high quality of life. GDP per capita as of 2011 is at US$38,703, the second highest in ASEAN. More than half of its populations are subscribed to the internet. Cellphone to person ratio is more than 1:1. Ninety-two percent of its roads are paved. Almost all country targets under the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) are already achieved. A great majority of the workforce age is employed, with 2013 unemployment projected at a record-low of 2.7 percent.
Brunei’s commitment to continued prosperity and stable macroeconomics is underscored by Wawasan 2035, the government’s National Vision. Wawasan 2035 provides for the promotion of investments both in downstream industries and economic clusters beyond oil and gas industry. Under this vision, Brunei is also to implement national strategies in education, political stability and security, institutional development, local business development, infrastructure, social security, and environment.
Other investment opportunities in Brunei are in port development, information, communication, and technology (ICT), financial services, as well as primary production and processing in agriculture and fisheries.
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Brunei DarussalamCapital: Bandar Seri BegawanDemography Land Area:Population:Urban population rate:Age clustering:Life expectancy:Net enrollment in primary education:Adult literacy rate:5,765 sqkm423,00075.7 percent8.5 percent30.5 percent3.0 percent28.0 percent78.3 years97.4 percent95.0 percentEconomy (as of 2011)GDP:GDP per capita:Inflation:FDI:Total trade:Tourist arrival:Currency:US$ 16.4 millionUS$ 38,7031.8 percentUS$ 1.2 millionUS$ 14.8 million242,000Brunei dollarInfrastructure (as of 2011)International airports:Major sea ports:Road length:Paved network:Percentage of paved roads:Vehicles per 1000 persons:Internet subscriber per 1000 persons:Cellphone per 1000 persons:1 international airport2 major ports3,127 square kilometers2,883 square kilometers92 percent385601,092Other Information Languages:
Religion:Race:Official language is Bahasa Melayu (Malay); English is widely spoken and understood.An Islamic NationMajority are Malays, some are Chinese, the rest are Indians and ethnic groups.
Note: Some figures may vary with figures in the AMS’ website due to different covered periods or record years. Quantitative data were culled from the ASEAN Secretariat Statistics Leaflet Year 2012.
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