26 March 2025 | 03:11 am GMT +7
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    Why invest in ASEAN?

    • Thailand

      Thailand’s strategic location makes it an investors’ gateway to Asia. It is at the center of most ASEAN countries, including Myanmar on the west, Cambodia and Lao PDR on the east, and Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore in the south. Being at the crossroads of ASEAN and other dynamic markets in Asia such as China and India allows Thailand access to a burgeoning consumer population overseas aside from its equally huge population of 66.41 million people (2018).

      Thailand offers investors a world-class infrastructure. Trade and business transactions are made easier through Thailand’s extensive highway system, modern city-wide mass transit, international airports, deep seaports, and international river ports. As the hub of ASEAN, Thailand advocates for free and fair trade. It is instrumental in the formulation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area and a signatory to a number of other free trade agreements.

      Business opportunities in Thailand are abundant across several industries which include automotive, automation and robotics, aerospace, machinery, medical, alternative energy, food, bio-economy, bio-plastic, digital economy & software, electrical & electronics, printing, smart electronics, textile, and rubber industries, etc.

      For more information, see Thailand Board of Investment.  


      Country: Thailand
      Capital: Bangkok 
      Land Area:
      Urban population rate:
      Age clustering (2017)  (1)
         Children below 5 yrs old
         Youth 15-29 yrs old
         Eldery over 65 yrs old
         Active workforce 20-44 yrs old
      Life expectancy:
      Net enrollment in primary education:
      Adult literacy rate:
      513,120 sqkm
      66.41 million (2018)  (1)
      34.29 percent (2017)  (1)

      5.1 percent
      20.58 percent
      10.5 percent
      36.9 percent
      Male 73 years; Female 80.1 years (2018)  (2)
      94.0 percent  (3)
      92.87 percent  (4)
      GDP per capita:
      Total trade:
      Tourist arrival:
      US$ 505.2 billion (2018)  (5)
      US$ 7,447.2 (2018p)  (5)
      1.1 percent (2018p)  (5)
      US$ 12,462.49 million (2018p)  (6)
      US$ 501,718.3 million (2018)  (7)
      38.3 million  (8)
      Thai Baht
      International airports:
      Major sea ports:
      Road length:
      Paved network:
      Percentage of paved roads:
      Vehicles per 1000 persons:
      Internet subscriber per 1000 persons:
      Cellphone per 1000 persons:
      10 international airports (2018)  (9)
      8 major ports (2018)  (10)
      457,221.154 kilometers (2017)  (11)
      295,032.549 kilometers (2016)  (12)
      65 percent (2016)  (12)
      228 (2015)  (13)
      568 (2018)  (14)
      1,760 (2017)  (15)
      Other Information
      Thai is official national language; English is widely spoken and understood.
      Buddhism is the dominant religion.


      1. Department of Provincial Administration - Ministry of Interior.
      2. Mahidol Population Gazette 2019, estimated.
      3. Office of Education Council - Ministry of Education, Thailand Education Statistic 2017-2018.
      4. UNESCO Institute of Statistics, Literacy Rate 2015.
      5. Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, Thai Economic Performance in Q4 and 2018 and Outlook for 2019.
      6. Bank of Thailand, Foreign Direct Investment Classified by Country, preliminary data.
      7. Ministry of Commerce, Thailand International Trade Statictic 2018.
      8. Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Total Number of International Toursit Arrivals to Thailand 2018, preliminary data.
      9. Thailand Board of Investment, Cost of Doing Business inThailand 2018 (Revision as of January 2019), deep sea ports.
      10. Thailand Board of Investment, Cost of Doing Business inThailand 2018 (As of 7 March 2018).
      11. Ministry of Transport Operation Center (MOTOC) Road Length 2017-2018 *Data includes Motorway, Arterials, Highway Concession, Collector roads and Local Roads.
      12. Ministry of Transport Operation Center (MOTOC) Road Length 2017-2018, Bureau of Highway Maintenance Management, Department of Highway and Bureau of Road Maintenance, Department of Rural Roads - Misnitry of Transport, and National Reform Steering Assembly Report. *Percentage of paved networks from road length in 2016, estimated.
      13. International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), World Vehicles in Use and Motorization Rate Report 2005-2015.
      14. National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office - Ministry of Science and Technology.
      15. International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Mobile-cellular subscriptions.
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