29 March 2025 | 04:23 am GMT +7
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      • ASEAN Maintained Strong FDI Growth and Adoption of Favourable Investment Policies in 2023

        The recent United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD) release of its 2024 World Investment Report shows that ASEAN continues to maintain a strong FDI growth and becoming a significant global FDI destination. This achievement is...

      • Enhancing Investment Facilitation in ASEAN

        Investment facilitation is recognised across the world as an increasingly important initiative to attract and maintain FDI. The conclusion of the negotiation of WTO Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFDA)1 on 6 July 2023 and its...

      • Enhancing the Role of Regional Investment Policy in Promoting ASEAN's Green Growth

        FDI Growth in ASEAN

        The current trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into ASEAN has been encouraging. Based on the ASEAN Secretariat’s current, FDI inflows into ASEAN increased as high as 89% in the past...

      • ASEAN IPAs Collaboration to Attract More FDI: Opportunities and Risks


        Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) significantly contributes to ASEAN's economic expansion. Over the past decade, FDI inflows to ASEAN have seen substantial growth. Notwithstanding the global downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, FDI inflows...

      • ASEAN states move to universal healthcare

        ASEAN has traditionally relied on a mixture of public and private healthcare with an emphasis on the latter. It is a structure that is likely to continue as more countries in the Region begin to...

      • Integration provides vast agricultural opportunities

        Agriculture is a vital sector for the ASEAN community accounting for over 25% of GDP in some member states and providing more than 40% of total employment in the case of Myanmar.

        Food security is a...

      • Plenty to Like

        Every yin has its yang. And for every European economy labouring under high public debt, ballooning budget deficits, stalling or non-existent growth and the constant threat of runaway inflation, there are many examples in Southeast...

      • Diversity is key for ASEAN
        Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak, Group Chief Executive, CIMB Group

        In ASEAN, you will quickly find people who understand you and your business needs. The Region’s great track record in profiting from its diversity means that cross-cultural trade and investment are second nature. The Region’s...

      • ASEAN connectivity

        The rationale for the creation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is obvious. Put together, the 10 member states – Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet...

  • Industries

    Air Travel

    Air Travel

    The move towards an ASEAN Single Aviation Market boosted infrastructure investment and aviation development plans in the region. Growth is also attributed to the proliferation...