16 July 2024 | 10:08 am GMT +7
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  • Enhancing National Policies

    This section describes the most recent investment-specific and investment-related measures per ASEAN member state. 

    • Malaysia

      Investment-Specific Measures

      • Since the 2012 budget announcement, Malaysia has liberalised 15 sub-sectors in services.  These include telecommunications for the category of application service provider license, telecommunications (NSP and NFP licenses), private universities, technical and vocational schools, technical and vocational schools for students with special needs, skills training centres, international schools, private hospitals, medical specialists clinics, dental specialists clinics, departmental and specialty stores, incineration services, accounting and taxation, courier services, and legal services. 

      Investment-Related Measures

      • On 3 July 2012, Malaysia introduced the domestic investments strategic initiatives where funds and incentives are made available for investors in strategic areas and activities. 

      • The Malaysian Trade Marks Office has made several amendments to the Trade Marks Regulation 1997 with effect from 15 February 2011 via the Malaysian Trade Marks (Amendment) Regulation 2011. The amendments mark a speedier examination process to reduce the trademark pendency period.